Hey! I’m Charlie. I am an aspiring copywriter based in Richmond, Virginia. My life goals include: running all six world major marathons, making people laugh, and learning how to make carbonara correctly (this is proving to be the most difficult one.) When I’m not writing blogs about my life that i’ll never publish or taking an unexpected nap, you can find me listening to house music in my airpods (it’s usually just Daft Punk,) petting a stray cat in an alley, or chilling on the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. Oh, and writing of course!

Pictured here is me getting a stress fracture in the last two minutes of my first race. Don’t worry, I still finished.

And here we have the chilling I was talking about.

Where it all started:

I always knew I enjoyed writing, but I never understood why, and also never thought I was that good at it. After deciding to be a creative advertising major in college, a few amazing professors helped me realize exactly why I enjoy putting my words down on paper. I just really like to get people interested in whatever I am currently talking about. It also helps if they let out a laugh or two.


Over my time at VCU, I worked on projects for many different brands. Some of my favorites including Tide, Duolingo, and Patagonia Provisions. I love to be challenged in my work-life, and especially love the process of peeling back layers of a brand like an onion to figure out all the right angles. Below is some of the work I’m most proud of!


Writing a newsletter for a company that people will actually click on and read isn’t an easy feat. In this project I chose to appeal to the emotional side of the average crafter with a sincere story about Chelsea, a girl who found hope through crocheting.


For this project, I was tasked with writing a B-Corporation Proposal for Tide Laundry Detergent. My goal here was to keep the explanation clear and engaging without putting anyone to sleep.



For this particular project, I was given free rein to dream up an innovative idea for Nintendo. I decided to tackle the issue of accessibility in gaming by designing a Nintendo Switch controller made for people with mobility challenges. Gaming should be for everyone, no matter how you play.


Imagine you’ve had 2 cocktails in Las Vegas and your friends suggest that you go visit the Neon Museum. Now imagine there was an app that encapsulates that feeling. This is that app.


For these delicious out-of-home ads, I wanted to focus on the non-traditional way that Tony’s sections their chocolate bars. There is a perfect sized piece for all of the people in your life, even your friend who posted those bad photos of you.

My sophomore year english class essay that turned out to be one of my proudest pieces of work to date. Have you ever cited Tupac Shakur as a source on an essay?